Catholic Underground NYC

Our Lady of Good Counsel
230 East 90th St (btw 2nd & 3rd)
New York, NY 10128

7:30 PM Holy Hour
9:00 PM Performance
Free admission all are welcome

Discounted Parking at GGMC Parking garage located at 245 E 90th St., directly across the street from the church, for $18 with Catholic Underground parking validation sticker (valid from 5pm-1am).
Cars: $18 
SUV's & other oversized vehicles: $33 
Minivans and pickup trucks: $48


Our next Catholic Underground event will be on April 5, 2025.

2024-2025 Catholic Underground Events:

April 5, 2025

May 3, 2025

September 6, 2025

October 11, 2025

November 1, 2025

December 6, 2025

For the latest updates please like our page at

"One of the most successful gatherings we have in the archdiocese happens on Saturday evenings in a midtown parish, and attracts a thousand or more young adults who come for prayer before the Eucharist, confession, song, and, especially, good company with those who share deep Catholic values in a culture and city that can indeed be at times antagonistic. The name of their gathering is revealing: Catholic Underground! That’s the new minority who give their bishop so much hope! May their tribe increase!"

~ Timothy Cardinal Dolan
(October 26, 2015, Report on the Synod in Catholic New York)

What is Catholic Underground?

Catholic Underground Music!


Catholic Underground is a direct response to a call that began with Pope John Paul II, and is continued by Popes Benedict XVI and Francis. JPII said that because the Gospel lives in conversation with culture, we must be fearless in crossing the cultural threshold of the communication and information revolution now taking place.

The first part of the evening is Eucharistic adoration, and begins with Vespers (Evening Prayer). This is the universal prayer of the Church - prayed by the Catholics throughout the world in every time zone and in every language. After Vespers, there is a time of simple praise. This provides a window for each person to personally encounter Jesus Christ. The beauty of the darkened Church illumined by candles helps us enter the mystery of our Lord's presence in the Eucharist. The holy hour ends with solemn Benediction.

The second part showcases Catholic artists. Here we experience the “new evangelization”. The Underground includes music, poetry, visual art, dancers, film, drama, etc. We end our evening as we began. With the prayer of the Church. Compline (Night Prayer) is simple and beautiful. It concludes with a hymn to Our Lady.
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